TRI Resources T3 plugin for WordPress

TRI Resources International provides data, reference tools, and web services for the printer supplies industry. One of those services is “T3,” an API designed to serve data needed to support “ink and toner finders” like you see on virtually every printer supply retail site.

To avoid making each of our clients write an app to use the API, we’ve created a few javascript apps to generate some of the most common interfaces. We call these our “standard components.” Demo’ed here.

But inserting something like this into a WordPress site is a different task altogether. To simplify that process, we’ve created a WordPress plugin, “TRI T3 Shortcode.” Using the plugin, it’s easy to add T3 Standard Components into any WordPress page.

See T3 Standard Components, set up on this site using the TRI T3 Shortcode plugin.

Please contact TRI Resources International for more info about T3 or any of the related products or services.