basic_vsftpd cookbook for Chef
Recently I was rebuilding an old “virtual user” vsFTPd server, this time using Chef. Of course I started by looking for a decent vsftpd cookbook. There are several popular ones, for example: The vsftpd “supermarket” cookbook might be fine for some users, but it’s not been updated since 2010, and it seems to lack a good way to override…
Authenticating vsFTPd virtual users with pam_pwdfile.so
For years, the standard way to set up password authentication for vsFTPd FTP server was to use PAM with the pam_userdb.so module. It looks great on paper, but if you have tried this, you know that generating a Berkeley DB password file is a PITA, debugging is blind and brutal, and password file generation does not play well with automated deployments.…
BackupBuddy and Amazon S3
BackupBuddy, the popular WordPress plugin to back up your WP site, has an option to back up to Amazon S3 storage. S3 storage is a great solution because it’s cheap, easy to use, and can be secure if you set it up right. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any decent instructions on how to set up S3 for…
Deploying MediaWiki via Chef
After deploying a few custom servers to support both Ruby and php applications, setting up a server to run MediaWiki seemed like a breeze. And it is, sort of, so long as you know where to draw the line. It seemed plausible to create a Chef cookbook to deploy a ready-to-run MediaWiki installation. And I…
What’s Wrong with Chef and Other Rants
My apologies, this is a placeholder for a number of things I have meant to write about using Chef to deploy our cloud servers. It turns out the task took longer and was a lot more convoluted than imagined, even after considering Hofstadter’s Law, so the writing has all been pushed back. But here’s the proposed list…